Saturday, January 24, 2009


A woman approached the help desk, "I had this book in college, and I loved it but I lost it. I think it had question in the title and it was a bunch of discussion topics." I was a little nervous about this one. Maybe it was my aura or the magic wand I was carrying but for some reason she thought I could help her out. Just the patron, me and my super looking over my shoulder. I was able to find it thanks to Amazon but, truthfully, I expect it had more to do with luck than skill.

I thought I had it rough until my super shared the following incident. A patron came to my super and said, "I checked out a book but I had to return it before I finished. It's the something life and it has a green cover with a woman in a pink hat." She was able to find it. Now those are some skills. There's a reason she's a super.

Later that day, I stepped into the wine store and felt confident they could help me with my lame request. "I'm looking for a red wine, not sure of the variety, and on the label is a monkey on a rocket." Score: Library 2, Liquor Store 0.

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