Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ah, note passing. I thought with texting, it had gone the way of the typewriter. It's nice to know some things persist.

Remember the thrill of the note? Hoping the teacher didn't intercept and share it with the class.

I was part of the IBTC club (If you don't know, I won't elaborate), each note was filled with embarrassing imaginary escapades- complete with drawings, and cliff hanger endings. Thank heavens they were never intercepted or I would have died of mortification. But I wish I still had them, they were hilarious.

At the library, a real gen-u-ine note dropped from the leaves of a book, just begging to be read.

Do you like Josh?
I think he totally likes you.
Because he was totally looking at your butt.
Pure drivel, but the spelling was excellent. Standing there holding that little square of college ruled paper made me nostalgic.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

IBTC....I didn't even know there was a club... How about SCRHC? You'd be on the poster.