Monday, April 20, 2009

Automation Salvation

The powers that be decided to automate the backroom. Jettsons here we come. Envision a conveyor belt that sorts library materials into separate bins! It would take up the entire back room but that's the price of progress.

A few minor problems: We need about 12 bins, it would do 6. Oh, and all those DVDs and CDs? Yeah, they need to be hand checked to make sure they have the media in the cases. Damaged materials? Mhmm, gotta have eyeballs for that too.

Who sells this stuff anyway? They must have Hypno-glasses or something. I wondered why the managers were clucking at our last meeting. Sometimes it would be helpful if the upper echelon asked the peons for our input.

Final Word: I was thrilled to hear the configuration of our backroom wouldn't work with the conveyor belt. Sometimes fate intercedes on your behalf.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Great picture.... if you find a pair of those I can wear them at night and look at you saying... "You're getting sleeeeepy... verrrrry sleeeeepy."