Friday, January 30, 2009

Mug Shot

At the library, we are promoting adult reading. Read three books, you get a mug emblazoned with the library logo. I myself participated, in the hopes of brandishing my mug as a symbol of my superior intelligence, wit, and dedication (or to bypass the blatant lack of mugs in the staff room). Needless to say, it was a moment for me when I finally pulled out that well deserved mug.

But wait. What is this? A fortune cookie? Probably just a slip that says inspected by number 12. Uh, no. Some materials contained in the ornamentation of this mug have been known to produce reproductive harm.... What the crap. I may not technically require the use of my ovaries anymore but that doesn't mean I feel any less attached to them.

I brought the matter to the lead's attention and it was followed up through the proper channels. End result: distributor reassures District all is well. District believes distributor. Case closed.

Our demographic is largely people of child bearing age. I think I have to practice civil disobedience and 1. not hand out toxic mugs 2. be subtle and wear my hazmat suit or 3. pointedly mention the warning slip while handing them out.

"Here's your toxic mug! Are you pregnant or do you plan on becoming pregnant while in possession of the mug? Please refrain from drinking out of it or touch it more than you have to. Do not remove the warning label. We care about your health. Thanks for participating in the reading challenge. We value your patronage. Congratulations."

overheard: "Say, excuse me, Josee." Loud reply, "Mom, I didn't fart, you did." Regardless of the source, I avoided the aisle.


Patrick said...

Aw man, you kill me. I love your warning message to recipients of the mug. That was very funny...
Here's your toxic mug! classic

Anonymous said...

So disturbing!
Referring to both the dangerous mug and the conversation on aisle 4!