Saturday, October 4, 2008

Say Cheese!

"Hey, has anyone lost their teeth? I found this set back in the fiction."
I kid you not.
The teeth were later claimed. Those puppies are expensive.
But what I'm wondering is... why do you take your teeth out at the library in the first place? Is it more comfortable to read sans teeth? It helps your concentration and focus? Denture cream failure? Looking for something to sink your teeth into? I'll stop now.
I suppose it will remain a mystery. But it definitely makes the list for strangest lost and found item at the library to date. Not quite Flannery O'Connor but, hey.

Possible reads:

The Skin of our Teeth

Possible authors:

Pearl S. Buck
EB White

1 comment:

DYNO said...

whooa serious? i wonder why someone would have to take out their teeth in such a place as well..i like your default photo of the worm.