Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Break Room Etiquette

Dear Abby,
A fellow employee came to bookclub with new baby (aw) and hubby in tow. We told her she could use the break room but little did I know she planned a three course family meal in there.

The first time I came in to use the microwave, the baby's bottle was in it. I came back later to find the main course in the micro with veggies awaiting their turn. My baleful look was not enough. She did not get the hint.

"Are you about done there?" She turned from slicing the fruit, "Oh, did you need the microwave?"

I was not loittering around the cozy scene to bask in their one-ness. I wanted my hotwings! Yes, YES, I wanted the microwave. I have 15 minutes to shovel food in my mouth during my break. Out of my way, lady.

Am I being unreasonable? Help!

Signed, Microwave Madame


Patrick said...

You made me laugh out loud.
thanks for that one.

Patrick said...

I had to read it a second time, it was that good.