Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mysterious Outbreak Among Playgroup

Just as suddenly as it occurred, the mysterious outbreak has cleared leaving behind a telltale rash of overdue library fines. Women have swarmed the library claiming hospitalizations for their children are the root cause of overdue materials.

The children have recovered but only a heartless miser would extract payment for the period in question. That ten cents a day is downright disgraceful. How can I sleep at night? Soon, they'll be calling me Jimmy the Torch.

As any concerned parent would, I offered to waive the usurious fees. I pulled up the account and with a light heart waived the outstanding two dollar fines accrued. My halo glowed as I basked in good will and solidarity.

"What about the rest of the fines on the account?"
"Um, those would be previous to the hospitalization."
"Oh, right. So, I still have to pay them?"

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I love that, "my halo glowed as I basked in goodwill and solidarity."
Good librarian.