Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Child Minder

I'm not sure what this doohicky does but it sure looks spiffy. Maybe it administers a mild shock when the two units get too far away from eachother. Maybe it could be programmed to say things like, "No, Jimmy don't climb on the bookcases you could fall and hurt yourself."

you could just not leave your toddler unsupervised with the children's videos while you browse. (Nope, leaving the four year old in charge doesn't count.) True, he was entertained while pulling out all the videos on one shelf. Fun times for all.

And I appreciated that when you noticed me come over, you picked him up. But, oops, you must have forgotten to pick up the mess your child left. Yep, we kind of have to keep everything in its place. We get a little persnickety when we have to keep track of thousands of items. I mean it's not like we just have to look after one or two.

*FYI the playlist may not always reflect the post. Sadly, if it's always on topic it stinks. So, this one is a personal reference.

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