Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Come Out, Come Out Wherever U Are

To the novice Scrabble player, Q is a valuable tile but worthless without U. Some people need you to screw up so they feel valuable.

You know the ones I'm talking about. They are masters of: the eye roll with throaty exhalation, impatient dismissal (hand wave, back turn), public chastisement, "I'm so busy" walk. Ah, the makings of a leader. I just thank my lucky stars she leads no one but herself. With any actual power she would be ruthless.

Sadly, I'm not much good at the games people play but I've been practicing (avoidance mainly). I'm adding to my list of Q no U words. I continue to use my Qwerty keyboard, focus my Qi and tuck a TranQ in my back pocket. I haven't decided yet if it's for me or her.

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