Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Download

It was only a matter of time. Runescape was the order of the day but now World of Warcraft calls. The boy was at the library again. Not a lot of entertainment options when you have no wheels and live in a small town. As parents, we adhere to Draconian measures and only allow one hour of computer time at the library. Poor boy. It really stinks mom is there to enforce the rules. So an hour and a half later, he's still at the computer. I gave him the boot.

"But mom, it's not done downloading yet. I haven't even gotten to play!"

Sorry, kid. Even if I believed it took an hour and a half to download WoW, you just wasted that time sitting slack-jawed looking at the monitor. Walk ten feet and a world of books is at your fingertips. Not a book? Perhaps a graphic novel to entice you while you wait. I know, I'm old but I still get the appeal. It looks like a cool game but so many of these kids don't even know how to carry on a conversation or entertain themselves without technology. They come in as soon as school lets out and they're there until the library closes. There may not even be a bathroom break. So, sorry kid but I love ya. Now step away from the monitor.

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