Monday, March 23, 2009

Gone to the Dogs

Perhaps it's a transplant gone horribly wrong. A rather refined gentleman regularly comes into the library with an unusual accessory. I've never seen him without it. I'm a little puzzled because it complicates checking the catalog or holding books. No, it's not a man purse. He carries his little Jack Russell terrier with him. It's not a helper dog unless being an emotional crutch qualifies. I just don't get it.

1 comment:

TnD said...

I cannot believe that you have a blog and I just found out about it! Funny, in my comments today your hubbie mentioned it so I had to find it. I went to his links and found you. But even more funny, I saw a link on Laurel's blog yesterday for bookworm and opened it hoping it was a site for a book club. I just started one and hoped that there was some good ideas for reads. I read a couple of entries and thought to myself I will have to check this one out again, not knowing that it was my beloved cousin. I would love to link you to my blog, but P said you were going incognito. Would you mind? I know some people just want their thoughts to themselves, but let me know. It is such a fun way to keep in touch. Define: Ratiliz (your password verfication word). I have to check the urban dictionary syllables that sound so interesting together must mean something. Tara