Tuesday, March 17, 2009

That Guy

A Regular set off the security on his way out the door and I rechecked his items. He sheepishly pulled a book from his pack. "I checked this one out last time." The book dealt with bipolar kids and he seemed a little embarrassed about it. If the book is for him, which I've learned is a big assumption, he didn't need to be embarrassed. I wanted to reassure him. Say, hey, looks like we're in the same boat. But that's a little like going to the grocery store and having someone comment on your Preparation H. So, I just "rechecked" the book out to him and told him to have a nice day. Sometimes people are just looking for normalcy. They don't want to be "that guy with the bp kid." They just want to be "that guy."


Patrick said...

Wow... that was a little close to home. Nice analogy with the Preparation H.

alison said...

Or it's like buying a box of tampons and a loaf of bread to make it look like it may not be "that time." Or Monistat with a gallon of milk. At least Preparation H isn't gender specific.

Book Worm said...

So right. I worked in a little store on campus and a guy came up to the counter with a box of pads and blurts out,"they're not for me!"